Welcome To


your  gem-jewelry management company


Long Dragon's core business as an agency is to provide specialised online marketing solutions for gem-jewelry related companies of all sizes across the world, who are united by one thing: they seek to increase their profit and find new opportunities to improve their reach, capabilities and performance - through a strategic online presence.


Getting Clients

Over the last years, Long Dragon established well performing and successful solutions to get visitors and clients for  gem jewelry related companies.

It will be of high value, as the industry is underrated in some parts of the world and not that established compared to gold, silver or diamond industry.  

We know your clients, their needs and wants and how to reach them.


Getting Reach

A company cannot be everything to everyone. If you decide to go north, you cannot go south at the same time.

Because strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory, Long Dragon helps you developing your winning strategy and the needed tactics to reach your company's targets. 


Getting Market Shares

Don't reinvent the wheel. Use what works, use best practices, especially in sales and distribution.  

Throughout our vast industry experience we are able to help our clients to establish themselves in the gem jewelry business.

With our help you can set yourself apart from your competition and establish niche domination - one niche after another. 



Innovative Online Solutions for the Gem Jewelry Industry

From the implementation of online marketing and sales technologies in the client’s organization to strategy development and market analysis, Long Dragon carries out agency services for gem jewelry related companies on a variety of modern business relevant issues.


Long Dragon provides agency services to gem jewelry-related companies with specialized online marketing knowledge covering gem-jewelry customer behaviour, buying patterns and industry standards.


He who hunts two rabbits, will capture none, as an old proverbial goes. Therefor our main focus is on online strategies for gem-jewelry and related business. 
Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.


Excellence is not an act but a habit.
Kaizen (改善) is the Sino-Japanese word for "improvement". Nothing is as good as it couldn't be done better. 
Combined with a performance based approach Long Dragon adopts this basic principle to make your success inevitable.

The Tools for Success

When you have only a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Therefor we have a wide range of strategies and tactics for reaching the desired results. 

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Paid advertisement by Facebook, Google and other communication service providers are essential for scaling and growth.

Social Media Marketing

Use of social media platforms to connect with the audience to build a brand, increase sales and drive website traffic.

B2B Growth

There a re a lot of strategies for B2B success, starting with a professional LinkedIn approach to various Joint-Venture-Strategies.

Content Marketing

Creating topic related content is a very profound and important way to generate authority, reach and clients in your industry. 

Technical Services

Use of social media platforms to connect with the audience to build a brand, increase sales and drive website traffic.

Research and Analysis

There a re a lot of strategies for B2B success, starting with a professional LinkedIn approach to various Joint-Venture-Strategies.


We see ourselves as a trusted partner you can rely on while you can still focus on your core business.

If one focuses on his weaknesses, one becomes average. 
To really reach elite status, one must focus on his strengths. 

Long Dragon's strength is providing online marketing services for gem jewelry companies. 

So, come in and let's talk ...

Global Management Ltd.

Company Number: LL17386

Level 4, Unit No-3A-7, Office B
Labuan Times Square, Jalan Merdeka,
87000 WP Labuan, Malaysia

office @ longdragon . asia

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